Monday, September 10, 2007

what exactly do i do again?

i'm not very sure how to answer this question. last week we bought a house. not just any house but one that needs a LOT of work. under most circumstances this would be an insane venture. i'll spare you the details, but these circumstance were not typical. anyway, i've basically put my entire work life on hold to fix this house up. it's not for everyone, but i can honestly say that i enjoy it. i already have lost hours of sleep due to the anxiousness of getting back in the house and doing more work. it's like a puzzle... a big, scary, expensive puzzle that you just hope you don't lose a piece to in the process of putting it together.

so my plan, as suggested by my sister, is to document the progress of the house. we hope to have everything done by the end of october. these pics are from late last week after i had already done some work. i hope to catch each of the stages meaning my blog will be boring for a couple months. i'll try to post some photos shoots in between.

this is on the way to the house. i don't know if you can see, but this dog had on goggles. funniest thing i've seen in a long time. attie kept barking at this dog as if to say "take those stupid glasses off, your making us look bad."


Anonymous said...

If anybody can put the "big, expensive puzzle" together, it is you--Jim talked last week about the joy there can (and should) be in work. I think your newest project is a testimony to that. The house looks wonderful and full of possibilities--I can't wait to see it!

erin nolen said...

your pictures manage to make our mess of a house look better already! thank you for working so hard on this...i don't know how you do it every day with so much energy and commitment but i am grateful. i'm sorry i haven't been any help at all...thanks for working to make this so easy on me. i love you.

Anonymous said...

corey-- the house looks amazing! i think it's gonna be my favorite house ever. erin's been telling me how hard you've been working. you're already making it look so good. we can't wait to see it! keely

Hershbine Family said...

love that you are doing this... i guess that you have gotten so good at photography, that you have manage to make this project a little more minor than it is... I dont think the pictures do justice to the work you have ahead of you! but I know it will be awesome. Jody and I talked in amazement after we left the other night of how great it is that you can do this! It is an awesome house and I can invision how beautiful it will be when you are done.

Corey Nolen said...

i wish i could take scratch and sniff photography so everyone could catch a REAL whiff of whats ahead of us.