Wednesday, November 28, 2007

things to come.... hopefully

erin and i do weddings together now. she still calls the shots and is definitely in charge but has let me run with some things as of late. we actually are very different in how we approach photography. sometimes that's stressful but mostly our strengths compliment the others weaknesses.... for example: one of erin's strengths is her undying devotion to auto focus which i often forget to turn back on. she kindly reminds me that if we want to keep taking peoples pictures our shots should be in focus. it's a good point i think though i just call the blurry ones "artistic".

one of the coolest things about this past year of starting our combined business, has been figuring out where we each fit into the puzzle. amazingly we don't overlap all that much which just helps to confirm what we are doing.

one of my jobs is to get good at photo editing. sometimes i think this is harder than learning the camera. i am a purist for the most part, meaning i don't like a lot of manipulation on the photo. i used to accuse people of covering up bad photos with effects but really i objected simply because i didn't know how to do the things they were doing. turns out it's been a long time since most people have seen a truly pure photo anyway.

i was talking to my aunt over thanksgiving and she used to develop film. i learned (because i've never been in a real working dark room in my life) that people would manipulate their photos in the dark room in a very similar way that photoshop and other software allow you to manipulate your digital images. obviously it was much more difficult and tedious but still the good photos where probably going through some sort of intense post work.

all this to say that i'm feeling more liberated these days and trying my best to make some really good photos turn into really great graphics. we have been doing a lot of planning this fall and are making some major adjustments in how we shoot and process. here's a shot from a wedding that reflects some of those changes.


Hershbine Family said...

okay... I have kinda waited to post a comment on this one. I understand the blog, I am not sure about the picture though! It is a very cool picture, it looks like the girls are almost superimposed on a background... INTERESTING! what does it all mean??

Corey Nolen said...

what do you mean?

Anonymous said...

Hi Corey! I think I stumbled across your blog from Erin's...needless to say I've bookmarked you both and check in often to see what is new with you guys! You guys have an amazing photography business going for you! You are both very tallented and it is obvious the Lord has blessed you in what you are doing! I just had to comment on this one because I am a photoshop adict!!! I had the CS version and John is in the process of purchasing a new laptop and the CS3 for me for Christmas/birthday/and all the other holidays for the next few years!!! I don't do a lot of the crazy stuff on there, but it's great for corecting color if there is too much light or too much blue, etc in a shot.. also, I like to soften blemishes, etc with it. If you do studio work on a black backdrop then photoshop is GREAT for smoothing out the black and making it solid... I'm self taught in all I do with the program and I'm just now learning how to do collages and layers... but it's fun and addictive!! Have a GREAT time as you learn to do all the fun editing... although I am sure you are about 10 steps ahead of me... if you need anything or have a question just let me know! Best of luck to you both and God bless!!!!

John and Amanda said...

thought I'd share the link to our blog (that no one reads...).

Anonymous said...

such vivid color! beautiful!

any chance of seeing some updated house pics? i've been waiting really patiently...

looking forward to seeing you guys soon!
keely (and josh and salem)

Corey Nolen said...

i thought you would like to see it live.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Hi Corey. I met you while doing a newspaper article on Atc of Congress. The event was outdoors in Helena. I am also a photographer, though I do not do wedding photography. I referred your name to someone today. I hope that she will give you and Erin a call.
Impressive work.